City of the Signified; or, a Nocturne in Magnetic Currents

Evan D. Williams 


What was that miraculous metal message we found somewhere along Putnam Avenue (or was
it Metropolitan?), back when we were defectors from museums and given to wandering the old
brewer's rows past midnight, now and then a silent mummer passing, a faint siren farther out
and unfamiliar, a cold-body radiance lingering above the parapets of the glass factory? We
tasted freedom in the silver-crystal air that night (my tongue has not forgotten) though all the
words have been pulled apart.



Evan D. Williams's poetry and flash fiction has appeared in Stillwater, Penned Parenthood, The Hartskill Review, The Mud Season Review, IthacaLit, Borderlands, and Tipton Poetry Journal. An ekphrastic chapbook collaboration with Filipino-American poet Jose Perez Beduya is forthcoming from Praxis (Lagos, Nigeria.) Williams lives in the hazy foothills of the Appalachians with his wife and cats.

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