13 Ghosts

Ace Boggess

William Castle Productions, 1960


classic haunted house plus
a treasure trove of cash to find

all the guests are wicked ghouls
the hanged man

the cleaver fiend
the headless tamer &

his lion (okay
a joke—I get it) &

somewhere between
the reaping & bountiful harvest

is a child’s fascination
I remember

when I was that age
I thought 

every place I lived
would be like this


Ace Boggess is author of three books of poetry, most recently Ultra Deep Field (Brick Road Poetry Press, 2017), and the novel A Song Without a Melody (Hyperborea Publishing, 2016). His writing has appeared in Harvard Review, Mid-American Review, RATTLE, River Styx, North Dakota Quarterly and many other journals. He lives in Charleston, West Virginia.

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