Under Twilight

Anne Evans  

Waking, I think of walking under
the frozen lake in the space where
water was.

That deep silence of under without
water; what it might
feel like to wander through color.

Blue maybe, the hue of twilight
last night. How it honed
my vision after feeling tongue-tied,

mute in meetings. If only I could
speak the hollows: the winter sky
that unlatches in layers of violet,

deep ranges of purple air that
phantom play, at home
beneath the ice-sealed lake.

Anne Evans has stories published in "Relief: a Christian Quarterly Expression," and in the anthologies, "Fireflies in Fruit Jars" and "Mad Dogs and Moonbeams." Her poems are featured in “Canary: A Literary Journal of the Environmental Crisis,” “The Book of Matches,” and “The Triggerfish Review.” She received her MFA from George Mason University and currently teaches English in Englewood, CO.

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