Variations of Distaste

Nazifa Islam

a found poem: The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath

People blame me for not being
happy—for feeling

that life is not
an experience of wonder—

and so I feel unaccountably limited 
so awkward, so horribly

stupid. I am sick of admitting
that I am afraid

of being
a painful responsibility.

I want days that have no edges.
I want to be content

with my lot.
I am struggling to find myself

with feeling I am sad and blind—
overshadowed by everyone.

What do I do
with my one grotesque life?

Nazifa Islam is the author of the poetry collections Searching for a Pulse (Whitepoint Press) and Forlorn Light: Virginia Woolf Found Poems (Shearsman Books). Her poems have appeared in Gulf Coast, The Missouri Review, The Southern Review, Smartish Pace, and Beloit Poetry Journal among other publications. She earned her MFA at Oregon State University. You can find her @nafoopal.

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